pasteurization|pasteurizations in English

noun pasteurization (Amer.)

[pas·teur·i·za·tion || ‚pæstʃərə'zeɪʃn /‚pæstʃəraɪ-]

partial sterilization of milk or other fluid through exposure to high temperatures; process of heating liquid (especially milk) to a high temperature in order to destroy harmful bacteria without substantially changing the flavor or composition or nutritious value of the liquid (also pasteurisation)

Use "pasteurization|pasteurizations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "pasteurization|pasteurizations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "pasteurization|pasteurizations", or refer to the context using the word "pasteurization|pasteurizations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Wine spoiluge can be prevented by pasteurization.

2. Milk is preserved by sterilization , pasteurization , and evaporation.

3. Key words: aerobic, autothermal, biosolids, digestion, fermentation, pasteurization, thermophilic.

4. Milk that has been sterilized by pasteurization is the best.

5. The research development and application of microwave pasteurization and sterilization were introduced.

6. Traditionally, the pasteurization of liquid products is accomplished in a batch - type operation.

7. Prior to at whether or not the best drink after pasteurization.

8. The next commercial process to be illustrated is pasteurization of milk.

9. Plate heat exchangers are ideal for pasteurization systems with these configurations.

10. Pasteurization and dry heat may also be used for disinfection purposes.

11. Pasteurization associated with liquid foods, while blanching associated with solid foods.

12. Following pasteurization, the product is filled into containers and placed in refrigeration storage.

13. The regeneration, heating, and cooling sections of the pasteurization system are heat exchangers.

14. In the 1860 s , Louis Pasteur, working with beer and wine, developed the process of pasteurization.

15. This is called'cold pasteurization'or filtration and achieves microbiological stability without the heat of conventional pasteurization.

16. Acidified foods can be heat processed in a boiling water canner or by low-temperature pasteurization

17. The shelf - life of Chinese Spiced Beef can be prolonged effectively by microwave pasteurization.

18. The most popular system for pasteurization of liquid foods is the continuous high - temperature, short - time ( HTST ) system.

19. Named after French scientist Louis Pasteur, pasteurization involves heating milk for a specified time and then cooling it quickly.

20. A concave panel (114) accommodates changes in differential pressures such as arising from pasteurization or other heating.

21. immediately after pasteurization, have been cooled to a temperature not exceeding # oC as soon as possible

22. Featured products fresh eggs, eggs, as a separate, filter, Pakistan pasteurization, spray drying, from aseptic packaging.

23. Thermophilic aerobic sludge digestion is operated at elevated temperatures, to achieve sludge stabilization, volatile solids (VS) destruction, and pasteurization.

24. During the early processing stages, including crushing, pressing, enzymolysis, ultrafiltration and first pasteurization, no obvious Maillard reaction was found.

25. Experts debated Tuesday whether pasteurization is better than other techniques in assuring the safety of fresh fruit juices.